True to its title, the 1925, 10-reel version of THE LOST WORLD effectively disappeared from circulation in 1929—all known positive prints destroyed—a move by First National Pictures to help clear the way for another “creaure film” utilizing special effects and Willis O’Brien’s cutting-edge animation techniques: King Kong. For more than 80 years, only abridged editions of THE LOST WORLD remained in existence until now.


Follow Professor Challenger, played by the inimitable Wallace Beery, as he and a crew of curious explorers embark on an expedition in search of a mythical, prehistoric plateau in South America. Along for the adventure are eminent scientist Summerlee (Arthur Hoyt, the director’s brother), sportsman Sir John Roxton (Lewis Stone), journalist Ed Malone (Lloyd Hughes) and Paula White (Bessie Love), whose father disappeared on the same plateau. The party is not there long before the “lost world” of the jungle begins to reveal its secrets: a primitive ape-man, a Pterodactyl flying through the air, a massive Brontosaurus feeding upon the trees, the vicious Allosaurus, and many more monstrous beasts of the Jurassic age.

This Blu-ray edition of Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World is the most complete version of the film ever released. The 2K digital restoration features newly-discovered scenes and special effect sequences, incorporating almost all original elements from archives and collections around the world. Renowned silent film composer Robert Israel contributes a new and ambitious score, performed by a full orchestra in 2016.

This edition is dedicated to David Shepard, and to the collectors, archives, and passionate cinema lovers, who help preserve films for future generations.

This film edition is also available in a manufactured on demand DVD.



Format: Blu-ray Deluxe Edition

Region: A, B, C


(US, 1925)

Director: Harry O. Hoyt
Producer: First National Pictures
Cast: Wallace Beery, Bessie Love, Lewis Stone, Lloyd Hughes, and Arthur Hoyt.

• 110 minutes
• Color (Tinted)


 Bonus Material

Audio Commentary: Feature-length audio essay by Nicolas Ciccone, amateur filmmaker and film historian

Deleted Scenes: Restored outtakes from a 1925 original nitrate transfer of The Lost World

R.F.D., 10,000 B.C. (1917): Short film directed by Willis O'Brien for producer Thomas Edison

"The Ghosts of Slumber Mountain" (1918): Short film written and directed by Willis O'Brien in a new 2K restoration by the Dinosaur Museum

Creation Unfinished film directed by Willis O'Brien for King Kong

Image Gallery: Featuring original production, exhibition and promotional materials

Booklet Essay: "The Lost World: Secrets of the Restoration" by Serge Bromberg of Lobster Films


          Total Running Time: 01:50:00

Language: Silent with English intertitles

Musical Score: Robert Israel

Booklet Text: Serge Bromberg

Published By: Flicker Alley

Institutional Price: $250 (plus shipping)

To order call: 212.280.8654 or click here for information on ordering by fax, e-mail or post.