Allied Productions Notes Visit and Discussions with GME Regarding Archival Needs

In their recent Under the Allied Umbrella announcement, Allied Productions Inc. highlighted having GME staff over to their East Village studio to review materials and help plan for their placement in external repositories. Allied Productions is a multi-functional, artist-run nonprofit organization that presents, produces and sponsors work while providing wide-ranging support services to individuals, groups and other organizations in the production of visual, performing and media arts.

In its early years Allied Productions was the parent organization of ABC No Rio. Two of Allied’s co-founders, Peter Cramer and Jack Waters, simultaneously co-directed No Rio and subsequently guided No Rio to its autonomy as a non-profit organization. As they turn their focus to the preservation of their own collections and archives, Allied remains the principal arbiter and consultant for the archives of No Rio’s formative period.

GME Consultant Fred Riedel and Allied Co-founder Jack waters addressing tech issues during our visit

GME is extensively involved in excavating and repurposing library assets in film, television, photography, and print media for a variety of clients, including artist estates, cultural institutions and corporate entities. Our expert staff engages in an extensive excavation of warehouses of material, an item-by-item assessment of the assets, construction of detailed databases about the intellectual property and the physical holdings, and a concurrent evaluation of the cultural and historic importance of the archive. Through this process GME has represented the sale of library assets to cultural organizations, including the Packard Humanities Institute, the Library of Congress, and Harvard University, as well as numerous institutions in Europe, Australia, and the Middle East.

GME also represents the films of Jack Waters for clip licensing to film, television and other media productions.