CITY SYMPHONIES film series at Anthology Film Archives 1/14-3/10

the CITY SYMPHONIES film series Anthology Film Archives 1/14-3/10 is showing several outstanding, dynamic and lyrical  examples of the genre also distributed on DVD to North American educational markets by Gartenberg Media.

BERLIN: SYMPHONY OF A GREAT CITY (BERLIN, DIE SINFONIE DER GROßSTADT) (Germany, 1927) Director, writer: Walther Ruttmann

GME titles in the series running between 1/14 and 1/20/2019 also include MANHATTA (US, 1920-1921) Director: Charles Sheeler & Paul Strand, SKYSCRAPER SYMPHONY (US, 1929) Director: Robert Florey, N.Y., N.Y. (US, 1958) Director: Francis Thompson, LISBOA, CRONICA ANEDOTICA (Portugal, 1930) Director: Leitão de Barros, and THE MAN WITH THE MOVIE CAMERA (CHELOVEK S KINOAPPARATOM) (USSR, 1929) Director, editor: Dziga Vertov.

Info and Tickets Links

In “NY, NY: A Century of City Symphony Films,” Jon Gartenberg’s related 2014 article in Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media, Jon defines the framework for thinking about such motion pictures from an enlarged perspective, encompassing a variety of genres (early cinema, documentary, experimental, animation, independent, political films, etc.).