Manohla Dargis’ “obit” of Alice Guy Blaché (NYT)

Even before women had the right to vote, Blaché, in her actions and in her films, expressed female drives, desires and self-determination. In 1911, The Moving Picture News wrote that Alice Guy Blaché, the first female filmmaker in history, was a “fine example of what a woman can do if given a square chance in life.”

Blaché told The Clipper in 1912: “I have always impressed upon my associate directors that success comes only to those who give the public what it wants, plus something else. That something else I would call our individuality, if you please.”

GME distributes 6 Alice Guy Blaché films to the North American educational market on the Early Women Filmmakers DVD boxed set. Watch for upcoming additional DVDs of this pioneering filmmakers work, soon to be available from GME.

Blaché, second from right, directing the 1915 film “My Madonna.”

Blaché, second from right, directing the 1915 film “My Madonna.”