GME Streamline is excited to announce the release of new works from the Re:voir Collection, including key films by important women filmmakers Marie Losier and Dore O. during Women's History Month. As with all of our Re:voir releases, these titles are available as high quality digital files for streaming on university intranet servers, as well as on DVD and Blu-ray disk.

“Everyday life was transformed into a kind of show, something theatrical. I think this is where life and documentary come together, without being forced. I learned from some of the most extravagant people!” -Marie Losier

Experimental filmmaker Marie Losier makes engaging cinematic portraits of figures in avant-garde circles, among them George Kuchar (ELECTROCUTE YOUR STARS) and Guy Maddin (MANUELLE LABOR), and choreographs performance pieces starring outrageous, costumed characters. In her first feature-length film, she combines these two strands of her filmmaking practice.

Seven years in the making, THE BALLAD OF GENESIS AND LADY JAYE is a mesmerizing and deeply romantic love story between pioneering musician and performance artist Genesis Breyer P-Orridge and soul mate Lady Jaye. Breaking new ground in its depiction of gender transformation and identity, the film chronicles the physical and spiritual merging of two beings into one. Eschewing the classic talking heads documentary format, Losier's film employs Genesis as the narrator of her own life story. Losier animates this soothing narration with experimental techniques, including the breathless pace of her 16mm moving camera, accelerated and slow motion, rapid montage, over- and underexposed images, camera flares, archival material, and reenactments that enliven this heartfelt tale of love and loss. Losier's film also captures unique behind-the-scenes preparations and live performances of their bands that pioneered industrial music, Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV, closing in perfect form with the evocative and poignant love ballad "The Orchids."

-Jon Gartenberg, Tribeca Film Festival Program Note

In FELIX IN WONDERLAND one falls into the world of Felix Kubin’s experimentation and creation of music sound and his mastering of his instrument of predilection, the KORG MS20. A portrait of a great artist who never stops living with music in his head.

Watch a limited time free stream of WALTZ ME TRUST ME by Marie Losier, a bonus film on the composer who is the subject of the portrait FELIX IN WONDERLAND, the short feature that accompanies THE BALLAD OF GENESIS AND LADY JAYE on this release.

“Being located in the “antechamber of language, even of consciousness,” her newly restored films occupy a state of in-betweenness that cannot be easily interpreted nor approached verbally. Their associative stream of images and sounds acts as a deliberation on their sensuality. In a dream-like density and strange suspension of time, Dore O.’s films induce a heightened sense of perception between hypnosis and clarity.” -Masha Matzke

“O.’s work is often noted by contemporary critics to resemble the American avant-garde film of the period. And this is precisely the point. Her films are not simply derivative of Maya Deren or Stan Brakhage. Instead, by recalling these works, they cause an inner disturbance. O. uses a method of allusion to American avant-garde lyrical film styles, a cinema traditionally invested in the objectification of a first-person vision, while now speaking from a West German subject position. A shifting double exposure results, at once evoking connotations of a cultural past, the present of the films’ making, as well as our own era – a positioning that reveals as much as it hides.” -Vera Dika

“Dore O. has become classic, and suddenly it turns out that her work has passed the various currents of time unharmed: the time of the cooperative union, the women's film, the structuralists and grammarians, the teachers of new ways of seeing... It's time to proclaim loudly that Dore O.’s work is unique in German avant-garde film.” -Dietrich Kuhlbrod

Click here for a full list of works by Women Filmmakers distributed by GME